SKCBA volunteer opportunities
King County Bar Association Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities
In Washington State, 88% of low income households face civil legal problems without an attorney each year. Pro Bono Services volunteer attorneys work to provide access to justice for low income King County residents.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Family Law Mentor Program - Dissolution and parentage cases where children are at risk
Housing Justice Project - Eviction defense for tenants
Kinship Care Solutions Project - Third party custody cases
Neighborhood Legal Clinics - 30-minute client consultations
Self Help Plus Program - Review pleadings, uncontested dissolutions and parenting plans
Volunteer Legal Services - Civil legal issues
Pro Bono Dicta Blog - Write now!
Volunteer Benefits:
Make a difference in the life of someone with nowhere else to turn
Work with clients while building negotiation and litigation skills
Network with King County legal professionals
Attend free or low-cost CLEs, receive CLE credits for pro bono service
Professional Liability Insurance provided by the KCBA

Looking for a pro bono opportunity you can do from your home or office?
Apply to become the volunteer coordinator for Reach Enumclaw; Seattle's only clinic that operates solely via Skype.
The volunteer coordinator is responsible for recruiting and scheduling an attorney to work from their home or office for each clinic session.This is a general advice clinic; thus, the attorneys can come from any background. There is only one attorney needed per clinic and there are only two clinics per month. A list is available to the volunteer coordinator, but the volunteer will need to reach out to attorneys to grow a list of additional volunteers. The present clinic serves South King County from the computer in the Enumclaw Library. This is a great opportunity for an attorney/legal professional who wants to volunteer for a start-up program on a flexible time schedule.
Contact Barbara Frost (206) 954-3042 for more information.
If you would like to apply for a volunteer position, please click the button below to fill out the King County Bar Association Volunteer Application form.